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because the soil is made out of dead organisms and dead twigs in also contains gravel and a biotic factor is features of the ecpsystem that are living or once were alive. that would be the dead organisms and twigs. abiotic factor are nonliving things in the organisms like the gravel. hope this helps :-)

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12y ago

Its abiotic because the dirt and rocks is unliving but is biotic because of the living organisms and the decaying remains of the dead.

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There are both biotic and abiotic types of organisims in soil.

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11y ago

Both have soil factors

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Q: Is soil chemistry an abiotic or biotic factor?
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Is dry soil abiotic or biotic?

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What are the abiotic and biotic factor of the desert?

Soil, sand, rocks, water are all abiotic. All plants and animals are biotic.

What is a sentence using biotic and abiotic?

A abiotic factor is like rocks water air and soil.

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The red panda is a biotic factor. Any living thing is a biotic factor.

What do biotic factors have that abiotic factors don't?

the major difference between abiotic and biotic factor is that abiotic is the nonliving component of the earth e.g soil rain while biotic factor is the living component of the earth e.g animals and plants.

Abiotic factors in el yuque?

An abiotic factor can be air pollution and soil erosion. Abiotic is non living, biotic is living, such as a fungus.

Is nitrogen biotic factor or abiotic factor?

no, it is not a biotic factor it is a cycle which combines different elements together and converts molecules to other ones. it is not biotic nor is it abiotic but rather it includes both biotc and abiotic factors such as soil, lightning, producers, consumers, decomposers, etc

What are abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem?

Abiotic factors are non-living components such as temperature, sunlight, soil, and water that affect the ecosystem. Biotic factors are living organisms within the ecosystem, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, that interact with each other and their environment. Both abiotic and biotic factors play crucial roles in shaping the ecosystem.

Is soil biotic?

No, it's abiotic. Abiotic means non-living. It's non-living because it doesn't live. Plants are biotic, but not soil. Soil only has nutrients, not cells. Hahahahahaha. I'm jk I don't know if soil has cells or not whatever, but I'm 100% sure that soil is abiotic.

Is a desert abiotic or biotic?

A desert is a mixture of both biotic and abiotic factors. Soil, sand, rock, water, air and light are abiotic while plants and animals are biotic.

How are biotic factors different from abiotic factors in a environment?

An abiotic factor is the nonliving part of an organism's habitat. Some examples are: Water, Sunlight, Oxygen, Temperature, and Soil. A Biotic factor is the living part of an organism's habitat. Some of these examples are: Animals, Plants, and Bacteria.