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Nuclear Energy is able to produce a constant ammount of energy at all times where as solar energy does not.

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Q: Is solar energy more efficient than nuclear energy?
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What is better solar energy or hydropower?

depends on how you look at it solar energy is more highly developed but hydro electric is more efficient when it is used

What ways are used to produce electrical energy?

Ways you can produce electric energy: Solar Panels Wind Turbines Nuclear Fission Microwave Pure Solar (uses mirrors focused on a water tower) Geothermal Tidal Energy Wave Energy Hydroelectric (Uses dams) Biofuels (Algae) And many more ways are being created and studied including the much more efficient Nuclear Fusion.

Why would solar energy be more efficient on the moon?

due to the lack of atmosphere blocking the solar rays.

What are some improvements since solar energy was formed?

Solar panels are becoming cheaper and more efficient.

Is solar or plug-in patio lighting more energy efficient?

Solar lighting is more energy efficient because it uses the light from the sun to power itself rather than use the energy from an outlet in your home to gather enough energy to create an illuminating light source

Why was solar energy invented?

because it is more energy efficient and is better for the planet. by Breanna (12YRS) Summer (12YRS)

What type of energy is more efficient than fossil fuel energy?

renewable energy, for example solar energy, hydroelectric energy and Wind Energy.

Is solar energy safer then nuclear energy?

Solar energy is certainly safer than nuclear energy, but decidedly more expensive with much greater space this time. As solar and other alternative energy sources are developed, it is reasonable to assume that the costs will decrease. Whether or not they will ever decrease to the costs per kilowatt hour that nuclear energy can achieve remains to be seen.

What emerging technologies will make nuclear energy safer or more useable or more efficient or cleaner etc?


Why is solar energy expensive than nuclear energy?

because itv cost more because it a renewable resource.

How effective is nuclear energy?

The reason nuclear energy is most efficient today is, because with little it can create a hundred times more. For instance, Japan's entire economy is constructed on nuclear energy. Even if they have suffered, because of some inconveniences, before that they use to be the leading economical giant. In general nuclear energy is the most efficient resource on the planet, right now.

What is one example of a non solar nuclear energy?

Mechanical energy, solar energy, electrical energy. There are many more.