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Snoring is abnormal in children. She needs and ENT evaluation and a sleep study.

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Q: Is something wrong with our two year old she is snoring and we think she has sleep apnea?
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What steps should I take to see if my husband's snoring is due to sleep apnea?

If you think your husband has sleep apnea you should try and lift the head of the bed a little. If the snoring dies down or goes away completely this is a good indication. Losing weight and not drinking any alcohol will also tell you if you had sleep apnea before.

Do you snore when you sleep?

Snoring has been one of the greatest problems a lot of people are facing for the longest time. Many people think that snoring is just a problem wherein loud and annoying sounds are produced during sleep. However, what most people do not know that snoring can just be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition, sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is one of the most life threatening sleep disorders that causes a person to experience several episodes of cessation in breathing, which can cause the body deprived from enough oxygen supply. Snoring should not be taken for granted. If possible, snoring should be treated right away.

Can being overweight make you snore more?

Basically fat people have snore disease due to throat problem which has blocked the proper air flow. But, in case of others snore problem creates for many reasons like sleep apnea,alcohol consumption, nasal problems and mouth

Treatment for central sleep apnea?

Causes of central sleep apnea include various severe and life-threatening lesions of the lower brainstem, which controls breathing. Examples include bulbar poliomyelitis , a form of polio affecting the brainstem.

How to stop snoring in your sleep?

I think its better to concern any doctor for that. I do not have any natural or homeopathic resultant for the same.

Is snoring unhealthy?

As the opinion of many doctors snoring is bad for your health. Because, at the snoring movement we are losing the flow of air in your throat. If we lose airflow, our brain thinks we are being strangled. For this reason our hormones and stimulants to be released. which is the cause for blood pressure, promote cardiovascular disease and promote wakening. Overall, it is has a significant impact on a variety of your bodies systems.

If i have sleep apnea and cannot get used to the oxygen mask i am supposed to wear while sleeping am i better off without it?

You know I cannot wear it myself. Very uncomfortable plus the idiots are not even trying to fix my restless leg syndrome and I had sleep study and they gave me ambian. Yet they think I can magically sleep with this mask . I mean the one at sleep study was not that bad. So why don't they get something like that for me? Makes me wonder if I really have sleep apnea or they are using the money from my insurance.

What are the symptoms and possible complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

AnswerExcessive daytime sleepinessLoud snoringGasping for airObserved episodes of breathing cessation during sleepAbrupt awakenings accompanied by shortness of breathDry mouth or sore throatMorning headachesDifficulty staying asleepIf you think you or someone you know has Sleep Apnea, you should encourage them to discuss this very serious condition with their Physician.The symptoms of sleep apnea are loud snoring, sleepiness while driving and sleepiness or lack of energy during the day. More symptoms include morning headaches, restless sleep, disinterest in sex and insomnia.

Snore is to sleep as shout is to?

shouting too much can be a cause of snoring . snoring a lot can make your head explode or even worse you could think you are a mass assassin and kill everyone in your town / village

Sleep Apnea Masks Offer Better Quality Sleep?

Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder that affects millions of people. Because it occurs during sleep, many people are unaware of the disorder. The condition can range from mild to very serious and is a chronic health problem for its sufferers. Sleep Apnea is characterized by pauses in breathing and sometimes shallow breath during sleep. A person with the disorder often has problems with snoring as well. The pauses can last from a few seconds to a full minute and occur between 5 to 30 times in an hour. During the night a person with Sleep Apnea can frequently move out of the deep sleep stage and into a light sleep. This leads to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue and drowsiness. There are two major types of Sleep Apnea. The most common is due to a blockage in the airway. A less common type is known as Central Sleep Apnea. This is caused by a malfunction of the brain which results in the wrong signals sent from the part of the brain that controls breathing. This type is less likely to include snoring as a symptom. One way to treat this disorder if with Sleep Apnea masks. These masks usually work in one of three ways to allow the sleeper to breath normally. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP masks are the most commonly used. The device uses a small air blower and hose attached to the mask to provide a steady stream of airflow that keeps the airway from collapsing. Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure masks work in the same way but also sense how much air the wearer needs. It can fluctuate its air flow instead of maintaining one constant level of pressure. The last major types are known as responsive or smart airway pressure devices. These attempt to keep the air pressure as low as possible, but increase it dramatically when sensors detect a breathing problem. Consult your physician if you think you may suffer from some form of Sleep Apnea. The disorder is difficult to diagnose, but easy to treat with Sleep Apnea masks.

Can someone die of sleep apnea?

Sleep Apnea can be fatal. It can become very severe. If you can't breathe, your heart may stop pumping. Normally, if your heart stops, it's for a three to five second moment. If longer, you may die. In conclusion, sleep apnea is no joking matter and, yes, can be fatal.

What foods cause snoring?

I think foods do not cause snoring. There are other reasons on snoring- Nasal problem Obesity Sleep Positions Yes but there are certain food that will help you to get rid of snoring. First maintain your weight, as this is the main reason of snoring. Reduce the alcohol consumption. Eat healthy food,fruits and salad in your meal.