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Q: Is sound amplified 22 times as it passes trough the middle ear?
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What help to amplify sound vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window?

The vibrations are amplified by the three tiny bones from your middle ear.

How is the pressure variation in a sound wave amplified in human ear?

how is the pressure varition in a sound wave amplified in human ear

How many mediums can a sound wave pass through?

Solid, Liquid and Gas... These are the three things a sound wave can get trough... A sound-wave can get trough solid easily, because of all the particles, after that trough Liquid and at least trough Gas...

Passes sound vibrations to the middle ear?

The outer ear

How is a drums sound amplified?

An acoustic drum is amplified with microphones and amplifiers and electronic drums have cables that attach the drums to an amplifier.

What does amplified?

The official definition for the word amplified is "increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier."

Which structure is between the middle ear and the inner ear?

Sound waves hit the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates in response to the sound waves. These sound vibrations are amplified and transmitted by the auditory ossicles of the middle ear to the inner ear where they are changed into electrical energy and sent to the brain for interpretation.

What is an explanation of how human ear works?

Sound is picked up by the outer ear and is sent to the middle ear. It is amplified and enters the cochlea which allows us to hear.

How is sound amplified on a gong?

by jumping on it and say ftw

Part of the ear that amplify the sound waves?

Maleus, incus and stapes are the three small bones from the middle ear that amplify the sound.

Can sound travel trough air and solids?


What can sound waves not travel trough?

A perfect vacuum