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Currently it should be, but marijuana is mostly legal there for medicinal purposes and is a bit safer.

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Q: Is spice legal smoke in California?
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Is spice illegal in California?

As of today spice is not legal anymore

Is pep spice legal in California?


What is legal smoke?

Legal smoke is smoking "incense". They found a way to derive the active ingredients in marijuana and put into a legal form. Then it is mixed as an incense or "Spice".

How do you pass a drug screen if i smoke spice?

If I'm not mistaking, Spice is legal, The main ingredient that gets you high, is not THC. So you should pass. but honestly, If you where smart you wouldn't smoke any drugs...

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How do you pass spice test?

Don't smoke spice ;]

What is the legal age to buy spice?

The legal age to buy spice, or synthetic cannabinoids, varies depending on the jurisdiction. In many places, the legal age to purchase spice is 18, but some areas prohibit its sale altogether. It's important to check the laws in your specific location.

Is spice legal in florida?

No it is perfectly legal in Florida. However Dec 24th 2010 initiates a entire usa ban on all spice blends so you better get it while you can.

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Can you test positive for spice from second hand smoke?

Yes you can, I'm currently in DWI court and have never smoked legal spice or whatever it is called, but I failed my first UA for synthetic marijuana, how do you explain that?, yes I have friends that smoke it, so only thing I can think of is that it was from second hand smoke

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Are people of the rostifarian religion legally able to smoke marijuana in the US?

No. THey are not allowed to. Just because it is part of their religion does not make it legal for them to do so. In California it is legal to smoke it only if you are the person growing it for yourself. You are not allowed to sell it.