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Q: Is spinach good for blood type o?
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Is the blood type o positive good or bad?

Blood type isn't good or bad. It is simply how your blood is composed.

What are some foods that are good for O blood type?

Type O blood does best on a high protein diet with lots of meat in it. Sea vegetables, organic poultry like chicken or turkey and lean red meats are good diet choices. Make sure to eat a good amount of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, collard greens and artichokes. Avoid corn, wheat, grain products and some legumes where possible as these aren't good for O blood types.

What is a good, nutritious Type O negative blood diet?

It is true that type O blood (both positive and negative) does require a high protein diet. For a nutritious diet, sea vegetables, organic poultry like chicken or turkey and lean red meats are good choices. Make sure to eat a good amount of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, collard greens and artichokes. Avoid corn, wheat, grain products and some legumes where possible as these aren't good for O blood types.

What can a person with type B blood receive?

a person with O+/- blood can only receive O+/- blood respectively. O+ can give blood to any other + blood type, and O- can give blood to anyone.

Is a diets rich in green and red vegetables beneficial to people with blod type O?

There are many diets that can benefit your blood type, eating a high protein diet can benefit your O blood type as well as eating vegetables rich in green color such as broccoli, kale, and spinach.

Can o positive blood type get a tattoo?

Your blood type does not effect whether you can get a tattoo. Also, O+ is a very common blood type. In fact, its mine! Good luck with your ink work.

Is ab positive a valuable blood type?

AB is a very good blood type as they can take any type, O is most valuable as a donor as O can be given to any blood type (there are exceptions of course)

Are there specific foods helpful for blood type O?

Yes, meat is a good food for blood type O. The theory behind this diet comes from the source of the O blood type. O blood was developed when humans ate mainly meat. Therefore the theory is that you should eat meat, because blood type O is mutated to work with meat better.

Can you mix type a- blood with type o plus blood?

Can you mix type a blood with type o+

Can 2 type o blood types have a blood type a child?

Parents of blood type O can only have children with blood type O. Because type O is recessive, you know that the parents are homozygous O.

If both parents have O-blood type what will the child have?

Blood type: O

Are people with blood type O can be considered blood type universal recipient?

Yes, blood type "O" is considered universal recipient. Blood type "AB" can not donate too someone with blood type O can donate blood too a person with blood type O.