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Maybe, but my guess is that you are stressed out or have been sick. Five days is nothing for a late period so when it is a month or more with other symptoms you may be pregnant.

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Q: Is spotting and cramping a sign of early pregnancy if your 5 days late?
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I've been spotting and cramping for about two weeks. The spotting started about 4 days after my last period ended.?

Spotting and Cramping are two of the most common early signs of pregnancy, also look out for tiredness, frequent head aches and the obvious one...morning sickness, i would say your next step is to see a pharmacist for a pregnancy test and then book in to your doctor/midwife (depending on the result ofcourse), Good Luck! :)

What if you been cramping over a week is it a early sign of pregnancy?

Most likely it is PMS and your period will start in a few days.

If i just got off my period and had unprotected sex 3 days later can cramping be a sign of early pregnancy?

or pms

What does implantation spotting look like and how long does it last and is there cramping with this?

It is pink or brownish in color also it can come and go for days some cramping can come with this but no heavy blood flow and no heavy cramping. Spotting on and off dureing the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is common. Your doctor is always the best one to answer any questions they know your medical history. Best of luck.

Can overexertion or strain cause spotting during the first trimester?

Yes, if you are spotting you need to take it easy for a few days, also if you have any type of bleeding or spotting you shouldn't have sex until 7 days after the spotting stops. you should also let your doctor know, spotting in early pregnancy is common but doctors like to document everything.

Im 5 weeks pregnant and started spotting brown 3 days ago and went to the dr he had no answers now this morning I am spotting brownish red but have no cramping or clotting am I miscarrying?

this could be old blood--this happen this to be but last one week and you will still have a healthy pregnancy --congrat

How do you know the difference between early pregnancy spotting and a light period?

There may not be much difference although implantation spotting (if you have it) is usually just that, a few spots only, whereas a light period is steady over a few days. answer There is 2 bleedings you can have in pregnancy one called spotting and one called Implantation bleeding. Implantation blood can last from 1-2 days its just a spot of blood. Spotting can last a few days up to 6 days and it just a light period I got told but proper light.

What does it mean when you are 7 days late on your period and then you start having lite spotting and a little cramping?

Means your prego!!

I have spotting and light cramps 4 days after unprotected intercourse. what could possible cause this?

According to the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" this could be a sign of ovulation. Some women experience spotting and light cramping after the egg is released. It is unlikely that this is implantation spotting if this is only four days after ovulation, because implantation spotting and cramping usually occurs 8-10 days after the egg is fertilized. Sperm can live up to 5 days so I would be sure to take a pregnancy test if you do not get your period when expected. The book is wonderful and tells all kinds of normal symptoms women experience throughout the entire month - things we may not have noticed, but are perfectly normal.

Is it possible to not be pregnant even though I am 6 days late and have cramping as if I had my period and very mild spotting please help I don't want to pregnant?

its possible u are and possible your not because, your 6 days late but take a pregnancy that's the only way to find out ....

You started your period a week early Iv been spotting for 4 days brown discharge with light cramping could you be pregnant?

possibly, or it could be a very early miscarriage ....... or it could just be your body doing weird things during your period

I started having belly button pain 2 days after possible conception as well as light cramping earlier than norm. My bbs are sore but that's norm pms for me to. Could the pains be early pregnancy signs?

What you are describing are also signs of premenstrual syndrome but they are also symptoms of early pregnancy. Some women do get abdominal pains below their belly button during their first trimester due to the body adjusting to the changes going on in the body in order to accommodate a life in your uterus, painful boobs happen due to the mammary glands starting to produce milk and the light cramping (well known as spotting in pregnancy) also happens to a few women in early pregnancy as well which varies with individuals