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Q: Is squeeze lemon juice and water good for the liver?
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Related questions

Can you substitute lemon juice for lemon peel?

yes put the lemon peel in later over night and squeeze the peel in the morning into the water and it will taste like lemon juice

How much lemon juice do you add to warm water?

Squeeze the juice of two lemons -- the heavier the better -- into a glass of room-temperature water.

How do you use chip white on potatoes to keep them from going brown?

Don't. Immerse them in water with just a squeeze of lemon juice added.

How do you make juice?

Either using a Juicer machine or you can cut the lemon in half and squeeze the lemons to get the juice out. If you don't want pulp you can strain the remaining juice. But using a juicer is probably the best way to get the most juice per lemon.

When lemon juice is stirred in water does the lemon juice rise to the top?


Can you use the lemon juice from the store in hot water to drink?

Yes! Lemon juice can be used in hot water. Lemon juice can be used for cooking & drinking!

What to do if I've dyed my hair too dark?

squeeze a bit of lemon juice on the hair,let it dry in !SUNLIGHT!,then rinse with water...good luck!

How do you get juice out of a lemon when you don't have a juicer?

Take a whole lemon and place it on your kitchen work surface. Press on it rolling it backwards and forwards a few times until it feels like its softened inside. Once your lemon feels less firm, half it and give it a good old fasioned squeeze with your hand.Be careful to catch any seeds you might have loosened when rolling your lemon.

What cleans pennies best water lemon juice or dish soap?

lemon juice

Does salt water or regular water or lemon juice slow down the browning in a apple?

Lemon Juice (i tried)

How you whitenens your skin colour?

One of the home remedy to whiten your skin is by using lemon. Squeeze the lemon and rub the lemon juice onto your skin. Let it stay and dry for at least 5 minutes. Then, rinse it well with warm water.

What is the difference between salt water and lemon juice?

one contains salt and is water the other is a juice specificaly lemon juice i hope i was helpfull