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Colon cancer has reached stage 4 after metastasizing to distant organs. The liver is often an area where the cancer tends to migrate per a National Cancer Institute's article noting 50% of cases.

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12y ago

Yes Stage 4 colon cancer is deadly. When you reach this stage, it cannot be cured anymore because it has spread all over your organs.

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Stage 4: it was in his liver.

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should one who had a colonoscopy 6 yrs ago should now be diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer & be told that it is adenocarcinoma & not colorectal cancer

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The severity(spread of cancer) of the disease is same at stage 4, no matter if it is large intestine or rectal cancer.

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Stage 4 cancer is treatable. Once a person gets to state 4 cancer hardly ever go into remission due to the advancement of the disease.

What is Stage 4 for Colon Cancer patient?

Stage I: the tumor is confined to the epithelium or has not penetrated through the first layer of muscle in the bowel wall.

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Gary Olsen had stage 4 colon cancer. He passed away in 2000 after a ten month battle.

In America what is the colon cancer survival rate?

The survival rates for colon cancer depend on in which stage the cancer is originally detected. If detected at an early stage, the five year survival rate can be as high as 90%, however if the cancer goes undetected into a distant stage, the five year survival rate can drop dramatically, becoming 12%.

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Stage 3 of colon cancer is regarded as dangerous as it has a higher risk of recurrence and eventual death. Cancer is staged by how far the tumour has spread over the body and consists of stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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Stage 4 Throat Cancer.

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Stage 4