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No, because it in closed in by BODY TISSUE

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Q: Is stuff in your stomach and intestines considered outside your body?
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Can dogs digest writing paper?

No, paper isn't digestable for dogs and so that stuff can accumulate in the dog's stomach and intestines and cause injury.

What is the organs and the functions of the digestive system?

mouth salvary glands, esophogus, stomach, liver, pancreus, small intestines, large intestines, kidney, bladder, gall bladder, anus. thats where all ur stuff goes. the digestive track is what disposes of unessasary fluids, and takes in nutrients, and energy for you to live.

Do frogs have long intestines?

You should just have the stuff with people, not frogs.

What can you feel in your stomach if you press on it?

I just feel rollies. Like my intestines and stuff. And when I really have to pee, I can feel my bladder. When I was pregnant I could feel my uterus but it felt like a little apple. Other than that, I feel nothing.

What is the functions of plicae circulares?

The plicae circulares slow down the food passing along the intestines. Because of their shape there is an increase in the surface area between the food and the walls on the intestines which allows more efficient absorption of nutrients from the chyme - the stuff that comes from the stomach.

What does the stomach does in the digestive system?

it digestes the stuff

Why do you vomet?

You vomit when you get sick and your stomach doesn't feel good and your stomach gets rid of the stuff you ate.

What is the difference between stomach and small intestines?

The Difference is that the stomach is a part of the digestive system and so is the small intestine but the small intestine connects the stomach to the Large intestine where everything bad is put through as for the stomach it collects all of the food you eat and te grinds it down into nutrients and other stuff for your body and then those nutrients go through the small intestine to the large intestine which is where all the bad waste will eventually be deposited :D x Sarah :D x 9a (this is for you) LMAO !!:D :D :D

What do you know about HCL?

this is the chemical symbol for hydrochloric acid(the stuff in your stomach

Is mass of food intake equal to the mass of food that goes out of the body?

No, your body absorbs lots of the nutrients through the stomach, large intestine, and small intestine. And after all of that there is still some left over after you poop it out left in your intestines and stuff. So no, Your food intake is not equal to that of which leaves the body.

What is inside a cow?

All the stuff you can't see outside. Seriously, all a cow's organs (heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc.) plus bones, muscles, nervous system, endocrine system, and the veins and arteries that pump blood from and to different parts of the cow's body are all contained inside a cow. Yes, a cow is a living breathing thing just like you, not some sort of man-machine.

What predator only leaves the intestines?

There really isn't a predator in the world that would not eat the intestines or organs of an animal, except modern-day humans that live in North America. But all other natural predators actually eat the insides of the animal first before starting on the flesh and skin. To a predator, the guts contain the most nutrients and is considered the "good stuff" to eat.