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No it is considered as an extremely selfish act.

AnswerYes, of course. All sin is forgivable by God. Jesus makes this very clear. Apart from a sin 'against the Holy Spirit'(ie denying God throughout one's entire life) all sin is forgivable.

But that is supposing suicide is a sin in the first place, which most Christians believe it isn't. Nor is there any case of suicide in The Bible - except for that of Judas Iscariot, who was so remorseful after betraying Jesus that he diid the only 'decent' thing he could.

Suicide is the end result of a person so sick in mind or spirit that he feels the only way out is inevitable. We would not class a terminally ill patient as 'sinful' when he has, say, liver cancer that cannot be cured. In the same way any suicide victim is terminally ill - with the illness not directed towards his liver or any other organ, but to his very personality and consciousness. And to die from this is certainly not a sin.

To suggest that suicide is a 'selfish act' is not just wrong, but objectionable and insensitive. While it may be SEEN as 'selfish' in that the victim takes his own life with presumably little regard for others' feelings, the mind of the suicide victim will be so disturbed that rational thought is no longer present.

Those around him may well not understand this, but God will. God is a God of love and forgiveness, and, while our lives are given to us by God, and we are to cherish them, he knows the secrets of our hearts. He will understand if that life, though external circumstances, becomes so unbearable, the only thing someone can do is to give it back to the God who gave it in the first place.

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It is at least a bit presumptuous for me or anyone else to speak on behalf of God, however, I will give you my opinion anyway. God hopes that people will live useful and productive lives and therefore He is disappointed when someone chooses not to live, thereby wasting all the remaining potential usefulness which that life had, but God is not resentful. God understands that people do not commit suicide unless they have a compelling reason to do so, and He forgives.

And what is forgiveness? When two people or groups of people are in dispute over a number of issues, they may agree to forgive or put aside from further discussion some of the ones they consider less important than others. Expressed more positively, forgiveness implies focusing on the most important things in a relationship, to make that relationship work.

So if we are to extend that concept, and God wishes to have a good relationship with the soul of the departed person, then it would logical for God to forgive that person for his or her offenses in life, if they are forgivable. And although suicide is in some respects a selfish action, insofar as it deprives others of whatever benefit that person who commits suicide might have contributed to their lives had he or she continued to live, people do much worse things than that, in terms of the affect on other people. Since you are the owner of your own life, there is some moral basis for the belief that you have the right to kill yourself. It is your life. Suicide is not as offensive as murder, which perhaps God would be less likely to forgive.

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