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Do you mean burned or boiled? If it's burned, then there was a chemical reaction, and it's a chemical change. If it was just heated until it boiled... well... that's a bit trickier, you see. The issue is that while boiling is usually a physical change and not a chemical change, the normal state of sulfur at room temperature and pressure is in ring molecules, S8 or higher. However, gaseous sulfur is diatomic molecules, S2. This is technically a chemical change since it involves breaking and reforming bonds, even though in both cases it's elemental sulfur.

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Q: Is sulfur that is burned into a gas a chemical change?
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Burning sulfur produces sulfur dioxide (SO2).

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Sulfur dioxide is formed when fuels containing sulfur compounds are burned

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SO2 + O = SO3

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Burning sulfur in air sulfur dioxide is formed; this gas dissolved in water form an acidic solution.

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No they do not. Sulfur is a reactive solid, while helium is a nonreactive gas.

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A gas released during a chemical reaction is a chemical change.

Why do fossil fuels produce sulfur dioxide when burned?

fossil fuels produce sulfur dioxide when burned because sulfur is present in them. things like coal which is carbon or gas which is a hydrocarbon are examples of this. fossil fuels are bad because sulfur dioxide causes acid rain. hope this helps :)