

Best Answer

only if you are allergic to bees on if a lot of them sting you

A bit more:

If the sting was on your face, then yes, some swelling will occur. But if the sting was not on your face, then that is a symptom of an allergic reaction. If that's the case, you need to call or go to a doctor or ER immediately. Also, if your throat and/or tongue begins to swell, get help ASAP.

If this is the first time you've been stung by a bee, and the signs indicate it is an allergic reaction, then you need to see your doctor about getting an Epi pen (Epinephrine) to keep with you AT ALL TIMES. When a person is allergic to bees, wasps, etc., the reaction to the second sting is almost always much worse, and can even be fatal.

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Q: Is swollen face normal for a bee sting?
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Is it normal for your bee sting to still be swollen after a week?

it may still be a little swollen, however you may be allergic to them, if it becomes more painful and does not reduce i suggest you go to your local gp to get it checked out. :)

Will a bee sting cause a swollen muzzle and hive like bumps?

Yes, it would.

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it could be from a bee sting or a bug bite

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The fur over most of the bear's body is too thick for a bee's sting to penetrate it. However the bees can sting the bear's face and the bees will often try to go for the eyes. After an encounter with bees, bears have often been seen with swollen faces, especially around the eyes.

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I cannot think of any common substance in toothpaste that would have much beneficial effect on even a recent bee sting, let alone one that was already a day old.

Can cephalexin be used for bee sting infections?

Cephalexin is popularly used to treat infections contracted from injuries. A normal bee sting would only require cleaning and pain medications. If your bee sting becomes infected, then see a doctor who might prescribe you with Cephalexin.

Why does your hand feel swollen?

Your hand may feel swollen for many reasons. Allergies is a common one, which may be caused by a bee sting. If you had hit your hand fairly hard, that could also be the reason why your hand is swollen.

Is it normal for your bee sting to be swell after a week?

no, go to a doctor, you could be mildly allergic

What does a bee sting contain?

A Bee sting contains a acid

Is a bee sting acid or alikai?

bee sting is acidic

How to neutralise a bee sting?

vinegar can be used to cure a bee sting.

What is the nature of bee sting and wasp sting?

The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.