

Is symbol a noun

Updated: 9/23/2023
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6y ago

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Yes, the word 'symbol' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for something that stands for something else; a letter, character, or sign used instead of a word or group of words; a word for a thing.

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6y ago
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Q: Is symbol a noun
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The word asterisk is a noun. It is the name of the symbol. The symbol itself (*) is just that, a symbol.

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Yes, icon is a noun; a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a symbol, a thing.

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un symbole (masculine noun)

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The word 'symbol' is a noun; a word for something that stands for something else; a letter, character, or sign used instead of a word or group of words; a word for a thing.

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No. It is a noun, but not a proper noun.And the kangaroo is not the national symbol of Australia. Australia does not have a national faunal symbol.

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The abbreviation of "Y" in the dictionary is typically "noun" for a proper noun or "n" for a common noun.

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