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Yes, and it can be found in black tea. Simply brew up a batch of strong black tea, wait for it to cool and pour it into a spray bottle. Of course, the one draw back is that tea stains so use it carefully around the good linen!

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Krypton was first used for killing bugs.

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Use a bug killing chemical.

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Lady Bugs love Grapes but CANNOT EAT ACID FRUITS

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Assassin bugs get their name because they are efficient at killing their prey. However, they have predators themselves including other assassin bugs, rodents, and birds.

Can orthoboric acid kill bed bugs?

no,but it can harm humans

What are mango bugs?

they are yucky little creatures which on killing secrete a yellow juice

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Try another method of killing them.

Do ladybirds ladybirds eat worms?

ofourse not can you imagne that they eat plants and plant killing bugs

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NO ! All the acid does is modify the pH, hopefully so the chlorine can do it's job.

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it was used for killing other bugs like beetles and other small insects

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The cast of Acid - 2006 includes: Sabrina Bolin as Bugs Alex Kazan as Randolph Duke