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Neither, it is a mixture.

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Q: Is tea compound or element why?
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Is tea a mixture or a compound or a element?

Tea is a mixture of different compounds, such as water, caffeine, and various flavoring compounds. It is not a pure element or compound itself.

Is ice tea a mixture compound or an element?

Iced tea is a mixture, as it is made from a combination of water, tea leaves, and sometimes sugar or other flavorings. It is not a compound or element as it is composed of multiple substances that are physically combined.

Is ice a compound a mixture or an element?

ice tea is a mixture compound because it is made up of more than one elements and is not a single pure element.

What is iced tea a compound mixture or a element?

It's a mixture. To be specific, a compound is a substance which is made up of similar constituent particles which may be two or more. It is uniform in composition throughout. Therefore, tea is a mixture because it is made up of many individual substances which are mixture themselves.

Is orange juice a homogeneous mixture a heterogeneous mixture a compound or an element?

an element or a mixture? Well the answer is mixture

Is tea an element compound or mixture?

Tea is a mixture. It is composed of various compounds such as water, tannins, caffeine, and other organic molecules extracted from tea leaves, herbs, or fruits during the brewing process.

Is tea a mixture or a substance if mixture heterogeneous or homogeneous if substance compound or element?

I think it's a mixture.

Is tea leaf a compound leaf?

Tea is not an element because it can be separated into many different simpler substances such as caffeine which itself is made up of the elements carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Caffeine is a compound because it is made of elements that are chemically joined. Once again tea is not a compound because "tea" as we know it is not one compound but rather many compounds that are present in the tea leaves. A cup of tea is in fact an aqueous mixture. -Removed the addition of an individual acting like a fool. Helpful answer, good job.

Is sulfur element compound or mixture?

element. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a compound

Is sweet tea a mixture or compound?

It is a compound