

Is tea good for you

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Tea, including both green tea

, and regular black tea

(what most people mean when they just say "tea") is pretty good for you, much in the same way other natural foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables are. But it's not a miracle drug, and people often over-hype it, especially green tea.

There's not much evidence supporting the idea that green tea is healthier than other teas.

Tea also contains caffeine, and other substances that aren't great for you if you have too much of it. Like anything, it's great in moderation (3-5 cups of tea a day are fine) but it's not good to have too much of it.

Some of the benefits (like weight loss) have weak or inconclusive evidence. Others (like preventing Heart disease) are more well-established, but still, they're mild effects. It's much more important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, get regular exercise, and keep your stress level low, for example. Tea can be part of a healthy diet, but it's not a magic bullet.

I recommend drinking loose-leaf tea and focusing on tea that tastes good and makes you feel good...don't just drink it because you feel you "should" or because you want access to the health benefits

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