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Q: Is ten inches of rain a lot of rain?
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Related questions

Is 45 inches of rain a lot?

Yes it is quite a lot.

Is 54 inches of rain a lot?

54 inches is a lot of rain. It is more rain than would normally fall in a day, but it could fall in a year in some places.

How much rain is in 4 feet of snow?

The fluffiness of the snow can vary how deep it is compared to an inch of rain. On average, however, ten inches of snow is an inch of rain, so .04 inches of rain is similar to .4 inches of snow.

Amount of rain fall in marine biome?

ten inches including melted snow

Is 6 10 inches of rain a lot?

In a year, no. In an hour, possibly - specially if in an area that is not used to much rain.

What could the arctic circle be classified as if it receives less than ten inches of rain?

A desert.

What is this type of treeless plain receives 10-20 inches of rain a year called?

The steppe is a treeless plain. It receives between ten and twenty inches of rain per year. It has lots of grass.

Does Aztecs have temples with lots of stairs?

yes they do get a lot of rain 4000 inches a year

Does a desert get ten inches of rain or five?

A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches of rain per year on average. Some deserts receive virtually no precipitation for decades or even centuries.

5 inches of snow would equal how many inches of rain?

It can vary a lot - a common figure would be about half an inch of rain, but you could have an inch of water with very wet snow.

Is 6 12 inches of rain a lot?

Over a few hours - yes...Over a year - no.

How many inches of rain does LA get each year?

how much rain falls in southern california each year?