

Is ten too early to use tampons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no, there is not any age that that is to young or old to use tampons. Tampons are for any girl and every girl with a period. Just remember it is not safe to leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours and you should not sleep in a tampon. Make sure you use it correctly, if you feel pain after you put it in your vagina you didn't do it right. Make sure you use the correct obsorbancie level or TSS may be a risk.

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Tampons are not recommended to pre-teens or teens.

A ten year old is less likely to understand enough about vaginal anatomy and tampon risks to be able to make an educated choice about whether to use tampons, particularly I would question why they would chose tampons over safer options like sanitary pads or menstrual cups. A ten year old also may not be responsible enough to use tampons correctly, there are a lot of precautions to follow which may include changing tampons at awkward times they may not be comfortable with.

Younger women are at significantly higher risk of contracting Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) - younger women are less likely to have TSST-1 antibodies, and likely have more delicate vaginal tissues more prone to tearing that will allow TSST-1 toxins to enter the bloodstream.

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You can use tampons a week after a D&C. Until then, no sex or tampons.

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There's absolutely no reason to hide tampons from your mom, just let her see the tampons.Tampons are not something to be ashamed of so not something to hide from anyone. If she said you couldn't use tampons then simply don't use tampons, hiding the fact you're using tampons from her won't work as she'll realise you're using fewer pads and see used tampons in the bin. Also your mom needs to know you're using tampons as if you contract TSS she needs to know early to get you help.

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Yes, it's perfectly okay to use tampons with Mirena or any other IUD.It's recommended that you don't use internal menstrual products like tampons or menstrual cups for the first month with an IUD, this is because this is when it is most likely the IUD would come out so you need to be extra careful. After that first month it's safe to use most tampons and menstrual cups, but soft tampons and softcups are not recommended as they sit too high in the vagina.

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Tampons can increase menstrual cramps if they expand into your cervix - if you have a short vaginal canal and use lengthways expanding tampons this will be worse. Tampons also damage vaginal tissues, if using rayon tampons that are too high an absorbency they may cause tears.If you're sure tampons are the cause of this then use pads or cups instead, they're safer anyway.

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Women would use tampons or menstrual pads. There are also options like menstrual release too.

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Yes, you can use tampons after a transvaginal scan. As always only use tampons during menstruation and always follow precautions to reduce risks of TSS and vaginal infections.

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Either don't go in the water or use another form of menstrual product. To swim you can use tampons, soft tampons, menstrual sponges, menstrual cups, diaphragms, or softcups.

Do tampons go on men?

Some men can use tampons, but not cis men.Some men are born with a vagina and a uterus so will menstruate, thus they may want to use tampons or other menstrual products just like women. Some men will also use tampons for first aid, tampons are the perfect size and shape to insert into your nostrils during a nosebleed.

Can you practice using a tampon?

You practice using a tampon while using a tampon. You cannot use tampons when not menstruating, and you should not insert or remove tampons over and over within a short space of time - both will increase TSS risk.

Will 5 tampons be okay for 5 days?

No, five tampons will not be enough to last for five days.Tampons need to be changed every 4-6 hours, ideally alternated with pads and with pads overnight too, so you'd need around 2-3 per day so 10-15 for five days. You will of course also need pads for overnight, to alternate with, if your flow gets too light for tampons, and as back-up too.

How are tampons inserted?

Tampons are inserted into the vagina during menstruation, using lowest absorbency. If you want to use tampons then you will find instructions on the packet on how to use tampons correctly. You can also look online for videos that will show you how to insert whatever type of tampon you want to use.