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Q: Is tetanus an acute and potentially fatal bacterial infection of the central system?
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Is tetanus caused by a fungus?

No , tetanus is not caused by fungus . Tetanus is bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetanae.

What is a sickness such as strep throat or tetanus?

I am not sure what you are asking, but both strep throat and tetanus are bacterial infections. Strep throat is caused by infection with the Streptococcus bacteria and tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.

How long does a locked jaw last?

Lockjaw also known as Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that effects your body's central nervous system. To get the tetanus bacteria it has to enter your body through open wounds. Symptoms of it can last 3-4 weeks but complete recovery can take several months.

Can a tetanus shot prevent rabies?

No...a tetanus shot will not prevent rabies. Tetanus is a bacterial infection spread by manure and soil entering a cut. Rabies is a virus. It is spread by blood or saliva from an infected animal. There are rabies prevention vaccines for people if you work in a high risk environment.

Can tetanus be passed on genetically?

No, tetanus cannot be passed on genetically. It is caused by a bacterial infection with Clostridium tetani, which is acquired through exposure to contaminated objects or wounds. It is not a hereditary condition.

What type of pathogen is tetanus?

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium, Clostridium tetani, so the pathogen type is bacterial.

What kind of infection can you get from a rusty spike puncture to the foot?

The disease is known as tetanus, a potentially deadly infection of the nervous system caused by bacteria, C. tetani, which lives in soil. Tetanus causes tightening of the skeletal muscles, with one of the first symptoms usually being a tightening of jaw muscles or "lock jaw."

What does it mean when a horse constantly puts their head down?

They may have tetanus. Tetanus is one of the leading causes of death and treatment is difficult. The most common sign of a horse with tetanus is having its head and neck down in an outstretched position and feeling stiff. Tetanus is a bacterial infection most often caused by a deep, dirty wound. If you suspect your horse has tetanus, call your vet right away.

How does a person contract tetanus?

Tetanus is usually found in soil or rusty metal, you can get rid of it by: Seeing a your doctor/dentist and if you have lock jaw then get someone to massage the back of your ears. This will stop the pain. Hopefully this helped, and i have tetanus but these are working for me abit

Is tetanus a bacteria?

Tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani.

Is Tetanus a disease?

Yes,Tetanus is a bacterial disease.It is also known as lockjaw. Tetanus is a rare but often fatal disease that affects the central nervous system by causing painful muscular contractions. It begins when tetanus bacteria enter the body, usually through a wound or cut exposed to contaminated soil. Tetanus is easily preventable through vaccination. For more information visit the links below.

What is medical term for the condition commonly known as lockjaw?

The medical term for the condition commonly known as lockjaw is tetanus. It is a serious bacterial infection that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle stiffness and tightening, particularly in the jaw muscles.