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Yes, it is true.

He touched down on the moon July 20, 1969 with Edwin Aldrin but he touched down before Edwin.

Well, Aldrin and Armstrong 'touched down' at the same time since they were in the lunar module together. However, Armstrong was the first to exit the module and stand on the moon's surface.

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Q: Is that true that Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon?
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Neil Armstrong was an astronaut. First to land on the Moon.

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Yes Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon.

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The first astronaut to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.

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Neil Armstrong

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Neil Armstrong

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The first to land on the moon, were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

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The first astronauts to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong, and Edwin aldrin.

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the first man landed on moon is Neil Armstrong

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