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Q: Is that true the second step in the decision support model is development of alternatives?
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The second step in the decision support model is what?


What is the second step in decision support model?


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3, the second is ANALYSIS

Was not a decision made by the second continental congress?

The decision that was not made was to have war with the British.

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The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that experiences a second growth spurt during the teenage years. This region is involved in decision-making, impulse control, and reasoning, and its development continues into early adulthood.

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The stressed syllable in "development" is "VEL."

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The decision that was not made was to have war with the British.

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The second argument in a marriage proposal could be seen as a promise or commitment to love, cherish, and support one another through thick and thin, for better or for worse. It symbolizes the couple's decision to embark on a journey together, facing life's challenges as a united team.