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No, it is listed as threatened or vulnerable.

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Q: Is the Amazon jaguar an endangered species?
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What is the main reason the jaguar's are an endangered species?

Habitat loss threatens the jaguar, but this species is not an endangered species, rather listed as near threatened.

When did the jaguar become an endangered species?

The jaguar is not considered an endangered species, is listed as "near threatened" by the IUCN.

How long has the jaguar been an endangered animal?

The jaguar was listed on the endangered species list on March 28, 1972. The jaguar is the largest and most powerful wild cat in the Western hemisphere. An adult male jaguar may be four to seven feet long, excluding the long tail.

In which year did the jaguar become endangered?

The jaguar (Panthera onca) was listed as an endangered species on March 28, 1972.

Why should a jaguar be at a zoo?

because they are endangered species and we are trying to save them.

Endangered species in Amazon?

the aligators and crocodiles

Are blak panthers critically endangered?

No. Black panthers are black specimens of the leopard or jaguar, and neither species are endangered.

What caused the jaguar to be place on the endangered species list?

Loss of habitat, and hunting for their fur (now halted) threatened the jaguar, but this cat is not endangered, but listed as near threatened.

Are there any endangered animal species native to Peru?

There are a couple of different endangered animal species native to Peru. These include the jaguar, the condor, and the blue whale.

What is an ecosystem that has endangered species?

The Amazon, the African Savannahs and the Arctic

What are some Endangered species of the temperate rain forest?

There are several animals that are on the endangered species list that are in the temperate rain forest. Some of the animals are the wooly monkey, ocelot, and the jaguar.

Why are black jaguars black?

Since black jaguars are not a distinct species from the jaguar ( Panthera Onca), but a color phase, it cannot be classified as endangered on its own. Currently, the jaguar is not endangered, but listed as vulnerable.