

Amazon Rainforest

Located mainly in Brazil, Peru and Colombia, the Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. The Amazon covers 1.4 billion acres and boasts the most diverse wildlife in the world as well. Questions about the Amazon rainforest can be found here.

452 Questions

How are plants adapted to sand dune environment?

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Plants in sand dune environments often have deep roots to anchor them in loose sand and access water underground. They may also have waxy or hairy leaves to reduce water loss through transpiration and protect against wind and salt spray. Some plants have specialized mechanisms to survive in nutrient-poor soils, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules.

Can you find the raflesia ardolnii flower in the Brazilian rainforest?

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No, the Rafflesia arnoldii flower is not typically found in the Brazilian rainforest. It is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia.

Do heavy rains fall in the winter and spring at the Amazon basin?

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Yes, heavy rains fall in the Amazon basin during the wet season, which typically occurs from December to May. This period is characterized by high precipitation levels, contributing to the basin's lush vegetation and biodiversity.

Elevation of tropical rainforest?

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Tropical rainforests typically have a low elevation, ranging from sea level to around 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) above sea level. The warm and humid conditions of these regions promote the growth of diverse flora and fauna. The canopy of the rainforest trees helps to create a unique ecosystem with high biodiversity.

What is the weather like in the Amazon rainforest?

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The sun rises at six and begins to heat up the rainforest, causing water to evaporate and rise, making clouds. At about 3:00, the sun is at it's hottest and brightest, and tons of rain soon begins to fall, soaking the Amazon. Then, everything just calms down at night, ready for another hectic day the next day.

Why the rainforest is under threat and by whom?

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The rainforest is under threat mainly due to deforestation activities such as logging, agriculture, and mining, which destroy the natural habitat. This is often driven by human activities seeking economic gain without considering the long-term consequences for the environment and biodiversity. Other threats include climate change, illegal wildlife trade, and infrastructure development.

What are the layers of the Amazon rainforest?

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The layers of the Amazon rainforest are the emergent layer, canopy layer, understory layer, and forest floor. The emergent layer consists of the tallest trees, the canopy layer is made up of dense vegetation and a variety of wildlife, the understory layer consists of shorter plants and trees, and the forest floor is covered with decaying plant matter. Each layer has its own unique ecosystem and plays a vital role in the overall health of the rainforest.

What are the 5 layers of the Amazon rainforest?

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The five layers of the Amazon rainforest are the emergent layer, canopy layer, understory layer, shrub layer, and forest floor. Each layer has its own unique biodiversity and plays a crucial role in the rainforest ecosystem.

What is the monthly average rainfall for the rainforest in Fiji for 2007?

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The monthly average rainfall for the rainforest in Fiji in 2007 was approximately 500mm per month. This can vary slightly depending on the specific location within the rainforest.

What is the average temperature and rainfall in the olympic rainforest?

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The average temperature in the Olympic Rainforest is around 50-60°F (10-15°C) with cooler temperatures at higher elevations. The area receives an average annual rainfall of 140-170 inches (350-430 cm), making it one of the wettest areas in the United States.

What are the seasons of the Amazon?

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The Amazon region generally experiences a wet season (December to May) and a dry season (June to November). These seasons are influenced by the movement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone and the South American Monsoon system, resulting in high rainfall during the wet season and drier conditions during the dry season.

Are rainforest artificial?

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Rainforests are natural ecosystems that are characterized by high levels of rainfall and biodiversity. They are not artificial, but are sometimes impacted by human activities such as deforestation and agriculture.

What percentage of the amazon rain forest has been explored by humans?

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An estimated 745,280 out of 4,100,000 square kilometers of the Amazon Rain Forest has been lost to deforestation over the last 50 years. This comes out to roughly 18%.

What parrots are in the rainforest?

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Parrots live in rainforest and tropical parts of the world. Large numbers of parrots live in in South America, Central America, tropical islands, Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and parts of Africa and Asia.

What do people that live in the rainforest eat?

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rabbits in the rainforests will eat grass and any eatable plants that they find satisfying and will keep them alive. sometimes in the winter they'll eat tree bark if food is scarce or will eat their own species do to hunger

When did the Amazon rainforest start growing?

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A long long long long long time ago ! x

How do Amazons reproduce?

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Amazons were (possibly mythical) warrior women, who are described in the Iliad as "antianeirai", meaning: those who go to war like men. They were also described by Herodotus as "androktones", killers of males. They were said to worship Artemis the virgin goddess of the hunt, and Ares the god of war. As to how they multiplied, some say the Amazons met with men from nearby societies, and chose suitable partners would take into the darkness of the forest and couple with. If they gave birth to a male, they were said to kill, blind or cripple the infant. If they kept them alive they would then use them when they grew into young men (if they were suitable) as a supply of male seed. They also took men prisoner in battle, after choosing the most handsome they then used them for their sexual pleasure, and would either kill them or use them as slaves once their usefulness had been expended. Click the related link below and choose Amazons from menu on the left. The last paragraph is about reproduction.

How much seasons are in the Amazon rainforest?

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In most tropical rainforests, there are just two seasons, the Wet season and the Dry season .

Is there kapok tree in the Amazon rainforest?

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they can grow from 200-300 feet, and are extremly important to the rainforest.