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The original 'American Desert' encompassed much of the central region of the United States and were actually grasslands. This area receives more than 20 inches of rain per year and an actual desert receives less than 10 inches. The true deserts of the United States are primarily located in the southwest of the country.

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Q: Is the American Desert semi-arid or a true desert in the sense of precipitiation?
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What animals live in the semiarid desert?

There is no such place as the semiarid desert. Deserts are arid. Grasslands are semiarid as are steppes.

What is the temperature of a semiard desert?

Actually, your question is an oxymoron. A desert is arid, not semiarid. A grassland would be semiarid.

What is the climate and average temperature in an semi arid desert?

Deserts are arid and not semiarid. There is no such place as a semiarid desert. Semiarid regions are steppes or grasslands.

Does the semi arid desert have water?

A true desert is arid, not semiarid. Grasslands are usually considered semiarid and receive more rainfall than a desert.

Which part the United States has a mostly desert and semiarid climate?

The southwestern states are mostly desert and semiarid land.

Is the semi desert a part of the biosphere?

The desert is arid and not semiarid so there is no such thing as a semi desert area. Semiarid regions are primarily grasslands or steppes which are distinct biomes.

What are the 4 desert biomes?

There are four main desert biomes. These include hot and dry desert, semiarid desert, coastal desert, as well as cold desert.

How cold does it get in the semiarid desert in the winter?

The Chihuhuan Desert occasionally drops below freezing for a few hours on some winter nights. However, the Colorado Plateau Desert in the northwestern part of the state may drop well below zero degrees F. It is known as a cold winter desert.

What is a semi desert region that is dry all year with only occasional rain?

A region fitting this description is the Atacama Desert in South America. It is one of the driest places on Earth, receiving very little precipitation throughout the year, with some areas having no recorded rainfall for decades.

What are some activities in the semi arid desert?

Some activities in the semi-arid desert include hiking, camping, bird watching, stargazing, and exploring natural landmarks such as canyons and rock formations. Visitors can also engage in photography, off-road driving, and wildlife viewing in these unique environments.

What animals are there in the Savanna Desert?

There is no Savanna Desert. The savanna is a separate semiarid transition zone between a desert and a grassland or forest.

What is the precipitation of the savanna desert?

There is no 'savanna desert.' The savanna is a distinct biome, a semiarid grassland, and not a desert.. It receives too much rainfall to be considered a desert.