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What B button are you referring to,

an Xbox B button?


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Q: Is the B button on a ps2 controller the red square button?
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Can you only get a ps2 controller in black?

no you can get it in: grey pink green red.

What do i do if power button for my ps2 stays red?

The button which has a red light on it, you should press it (the button) until it goes green. Then your PlayStation is on.

What is the back button on a ps3 controller?

The most common back button is the O button found on the right side of the face of the controller. It is a black button with a red letter O.

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How do you fix Guitar Hero guitar wireless receiver for PlayStation 2?

You need the receiver. Plug it in like a normal controller, and switch on the guitar at the bottom on the side - you'll see it. It should flash red. Look at the receiver. If it also flashes red when you press a button, etc., you're hooked up to the ps2. Congrats =p x

On Guitar Hero what the the fret colours on the PS2 controller?

Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange (in that order).

How do you turn on the PS2?

There should be an on button flashing red on the right if its plugged in. press that..... unless you have the old, fat PS2. on that one, there is a switch in the back. flip it. You should see the on button i told you about earlier flashing red. push it.

How can you put a new Wii controller in Wii?

This is very simple, even everyone can do it. So, first you grab the Wii remote and open it then you will see a tiny red button somewhere in it, then keep it laying. Second, you open the part under the reset button. then you click on the red button and the wii remote red button at the same time about 5 times then you will have a second controller.

How do you get to the Rewards manu in ps2 Harry Potter and the half blood prince?

There should be a 'Rewards' button in the main menu? (Red button)

Can you play guitar hero with a regular controller If so what buttons are for each color Do you have to strum?

yes you can.but i only know the ps2 controls they are L2=green L1=red R1=yellow R2=blue and the X button for orange. -Gondovia

Can you sychronize a Nintendo Wii controllor to a Wii?

Yes if you open the slot under the power button on the wii you can press a red button, then take the back off your controller and press that red button to make them sync.

Will les paul for ps3 controller work on ps2?

Unfortunately, I have tried myself using a PS3 Les Paul Wireless Guitar Controller on my PS2, I connected the Wireless USB thing and nothing happened. The USB dongle or whatever you want to call it has a little red light built in the connection button but it doesn't light up. Tried everything I think. (Changing batteries of the controller, switching PS2 off etc..) It only just seems to work on PC and PS3. I have heard that there are some *special connectors* that allow you connect the PS3 Les Paul on a PS2 Console. Haven't looked into it yet and even if I did I wouldn't be ready to buy it. Hope this helps! =)