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The Black Eye Galaxy [See Link] has a redshift of 0.001361, so it is moving away from us. Currently at 24 million light years from Earth

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Q: Is the Black Eye galaxy moving toward away or neither from Earth?
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Are you moving toward a black hole?

Since we are always in motion and we have reason to believe that there are many black holes in the universe, there is bound to be one in the direction that we are moving. So, yes, I am moving toward a black hole. As are you.

Can a black hole recoil out of a galaxy?

If you mean that somehow the black hole can be removed or flung out of the galaxy than, no it can't, because the galaxy (or more specifically all the stars, gases, and asteroids, and dust clouds) orbit around the central black hole in a galaxy, they are just moving to fast and to far away to be pulled into the black hole, and if a black hole where to move the surrounding stars and debris would follow is path.

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The Sun is orbiting the black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, so the solar system and the planets contained in it are moving as well.

Is your galaxy bigger than a black hole?

A galaxy is bigger than a black hole.

What keeps the stars in a galaxy from moving away from each other?

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What is the subtype of the black eye galaxy?

Seyfert Galaxy

Does life depnd on the black hole in the middle of the galaxy?

no it does not depend on the black hole in the middle of the galaxy

What galaxy has a black hole?

The Milky Way (our galaxy) is believed to have one in the center. Every or almost every galaxy has a black hole in the middle of it.

How do you know of black holes?

No one has ever seen a black hole; so how do we know of them? Well, scientist's measured to movements of planets and saw them all moving toward a force. Now, we believe that there is something in the center of the galaxy that is pulling planets and stars towards it. Scientist's measured that this force is strong enough to decease anything that comes in contact with it. We call this force a "Black Hole". Why is it called a BLACK hole? Well, it is so strong that not even light can escape it.

Will the galaxy ever get sucked in to a black hole?

no the galaxy is way to big for a black hole to do much in fact we now know that there is a supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy right now.

What is the scientific name for a spiral galaxy?

A M64 is a spiral galaxy known as the Black Eye Galaxy.

Can there be more than a black hole in a galaxy?

Yes. Most, of a galaxy's mass is stars and nebulae, not black holes.