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BOTH. It's a religious group and to many, it's a cult as well.

I grew up in it and it destroyed my family. To this day, my mother chants Daimoku over 3 hours a day, is in debt, lost everything and is a bitter person. It goes to prove that chanting WON'T change everything as they promise.

Google SGI + cult and see what comes up. It's no surprise.

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Q: Is the Buddhist group SGI a cult or are they a recognized religious group?
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That depends on your definition of a cult. The technical definition of a cult is "A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." by this definition, nearly every faith or religious group is a cult! The Community of Christ is a relatively small group which split off from another faith (Mormonism), but they are very open about their beliefs and most of their doctrines align with mainstream Christianity. They do not live on compounds or closed societies and participate in mainstream society. Check out the "Related Links" to go to their official website.

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Is Wicca a cult?

Wicca is a religion. It is an authbound, initiatory, mystery religion. Wicca has two forms in the way of practicing it. Some people practice Wicca in a group called a Coven, and some people practice it Solitary. Solitary Wiccans don't have access to the authbound secrets of Wicca, but they practice almost the same religious teachings.A Coven have some characteristics of a Cult, but the usual abusive features of a religious cult is minimized in a good Coven.To an outsider, a Wiccan initiation to a coven may seem to have some features of ritual abuse, but none have to undergo anything without their consent. An initiate is teached what they have to go through, and all of them undergo initiation, understands and consents to the procedure. It is very much like to the Freemason Initiation.The usual practices inside the Coven may be kept secret, but (other than initiation) there is no other component of practice that could be categorized as a cult activity. Wicca actually oppose to the Cult like behavior of many popular shorter words, no wicca is NOT a cult----The word 'Cult' has different meanings. And the meaning has changed over time. A cult is not necessarily an evil entity. A Wiccan Coven has some aspects of a cult. It is an oath-bound elite group of people with secrets. In Gerald Gardner's writings of early 1950's he himself referred to the group of Wiccans as a cult in some places. Wicca is a Religion. It itself is not a cult, but a coven where the group of people practice the craft together can be classified as a sort of a cult. The Wiccan initiation ritual is heavily influenced by the Freemason initiation ritual. The Freemasons, Golden Dawn, OTO or AA are also secret groups of people who has hidden knowledge and practices kept away from the public. The Cult aspect of a Wiccan Coven doesn't go beyond that of those.