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Q: Is the Democratic Party bigger than the Republican Party?
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Any party other than Democratic or Republican party is called?

A third party

Any party other than the Democratic or Republican party is called?

A third party

Is it possible to register with a party other than the Democratic or Republican?

no it isnt

How to describe the Democratic party?

The Republican and Democratic parties do exist to maintain their own power.

What is the younger of two major political parties in the US?

Republican Party is younger than the Democratic Party.

Which political party favors gay rights?

The Democratic party favors gay rights more than the Republican party does.

What are three differences between the Federalist party and the democratic-republican party?

Federalist==founded in1792====dissolved in 1820==Democratic- Republican==founded in 1792====dissolved in 1868==

Which US party is considered to lean to the right?

Republican Party

Is the Des Moines register democratic or republican?

The Des Moines Register is considered more liberal than conservative, however, it is not officially associated with either the Democratic or Republican party. The paper was founded in 1849.

Why was the populist platform considered radical in 1892?

No one thought that their party party would have a bigger impact than the democrat and republican party.

Why did Jefferson and Madison start the Democratic-Republican Party?

Jefferson and Madison had different view points than Hamilton.

Any party other than the democratic or republican party are called?

If there is any ONE other party, it is usually called the 'Third Party' (in order to distinguish it from the first two).