If there is any ONE other party, it is usually called the 'Third Party' (in order to distinguish it from the first two).
Answer this question… The Republican party
no it isnt
The Democratic-Republican Party effectively ended in 1824, when it split into separate factions that eventually became the modern Democratic and Republican parties. However, the transition was not immediate, and it took several years for these new parties to fully crystallize and supplant the Democratic-Republican Party.
The Democratic-Republican Party
cannot vote in a closed Republican primary.
A third party
A third party
The question is backward: Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party (formerly called the Anti-Federalists) split into the National Republican Party and the Democratic Party after the contested Presidential election of 1824.
James Madison and Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic-Republican party (but they just called it the Republican party). They created the Republican party to oppose the Federalist party. The Republican party that they created was the second political party in the United States.
James Madison and Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic-Republican party (but they just called it the Republican party). They created the Republican party to oppose the Federalist party. The Republican party that they created was the second political party in the United States.
Thomas Jefferson created a party called the Democratic-Republican party, and his policies were somewhat different from the modern Republican Party.
Democratic-Republican Party was created in 1791.
Monroe belonged to the Democratic-Republican party, the party of Jefferson and Madison.
The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have never been together as a single party.
He was a Democratic-republican. Jefferson and Madison created the Democratic Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party.