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Q: Is the Fertile Crescent a good place for farming?
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What made the Fertile Crescent good for farming?

because the land is fertile and its good for plants

Why did civilizations developed in the Fertile Crescent?

The soil that developed there was good for farming.

What was great about the Fertile Crescent?

because it has lots of crops and grains and that the land is fertile which is good to grow on and it is a major farming area

Purpose for the rivers in the Fertile Crescent?

to make farming soil good for the ancient Egyptian people

What makes the Fertile Crescent good for farming?

The soil was nice and fresh and it didn't dry up often.

What made Mesopotamia a good place for people to live?

Mesopotamia was a great place to live because it had water nearby, great food sources, and rich, fertile soil.

Why did civilizations did first arise along Fertile crescent?

Civilizations first rose up along the Fertile Crescent because the region had soil that was very good for farming

What does the word Fertile Crescent?

Fertile Crescent refers to the luscious land of Mesopotamia. Fertile Crescent was located directly between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which caused the land there to be green and very good for agriculture.

What is a good sentence using Fertile Crescent?

Fertile Crescent refers to the area around the Mediterranean Sea where civilization is thought to have originated.

Why were Fertile Crescent a good place to plant crops?

The yearly flooding of the Nile put new nutrients there every year.

What makes the soil in Indonesia good for farming?

The soil is good for farming because it is fertile

Is fertile farming the same as good farming?

It depends on how ur using it