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Yes, the Italian word baci is a term of endearment.

Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its plural form. It means "kisses". It will be pronounced "BAH-tchee" in Italian.

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Q: Is the Italian word 'baci' an endearing term?
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What is 'kiss' when translated from English to Italian?

Baci! Baci! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Kiss! Kiss!"Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun that is used in the plural. It literally means "kisses." The pronunciation is "BAH-tchee BAH-tchee."

What is 'baci' when translated from Italian to Japanese?

Kisu is a Japanese equivalent of the Italian word baci. The masculine plural Italian noun translates into English as "kisses," which is one of the possible translations of the Japanese equivalent. The pronunciation will be "key-soo" in Japanese and "BA-tchee" in Italian.

What is the plural form of the Italian word 'bacio'?

Baci is the plural form of the Italian noun bacio.Specifically, the word is a masculine noun. The singular form bacio means "kiss." The plural form baci translates as "kisses."The respective pronunciations will be "BA-tchyo" and "BA-tchee" in Italian.

What is the pronunciation of the Italian word 'baci'?

"Baci" (kisses) is pronounced /ˈba.tʃi/ (BAH-chee)Pronunciation IPA Symbols:* [a] -- like the A in father * [i] -- the EE in meet * [tʃ] -- the CH in cheese * [ˈ] precedes the stressed syllable

What is English translation for bacci?

If the language is Italian, you may have confused two words. Baci is the word for kisses and bocce is a popular Italian lawn game.

What is 'Mi baci' when translated from Italian to English?

"You're kissing me!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Mi baci! The declaration also translates literally as "You are kissing me," "You do kiss me!" or "You kiss me!" in English. The pronunciation will be "mee BA-tchee" in Pisan Italian.

What is English meaning of French word TATA?

It is an endearing term for auntie or aunt. Hope this helps!

What is the English translation of the Italian phrase 'Tanti baci dall'Italia'?

"Lots of kisses from Italy" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanti baci dall'Italia.Specifically, the maculine plural adjective tanti is "lots, so many". The masculine noun baci means "kisses". The word dalla* means "from the", from the combination of the preposition da ("from") with the feminine singular definite article la ("the"). The feminine noun Italiatranslates as "Italy".The pronunciation will be "TAHN-tee BAH-tchee dahl-lee-TAH-lyah" in Italian.*The final vowel a drops -- and is replaced by an apostrophe -- before a noun which begins with a vowel.

What is the English word 'kisses' in Italian?

Baci is an Italian equivalent of the English word "kisses."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. It can be preceded by its plural definite article i ("the") or by its plural indefinite article dei ("some"). The pronunciation is "BAH-tchee."

Is silly a bad word?

No, "silly" is not generally considered a bad word. It is a term used to describe something or someone as playful, lighthearted, or not serious. It is a relatively harmless and often endearing term.

Does minigooch mean anything in italian?

No, "minigooch" does not mean anything in Italian. It is not an Italian word or term.