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Yes Messiah is mentioned in the Old Testament.


The Messianic prophecies refer to a number messiahs who would usher in a period of freedom and peace, die sacrificing himself while uniting all of Israel in preparing the world for the arrival of Messiah of David, who would deliver the Jews from oppression and usher in a "World to come." A number of Messiahs came before and after the Jesus or Yeshua. The Messiah of Judaism is not considered to be God or a divine Son of God. The Old Testament passage speaks of "a child is born to us, a son is given to us; dominion will rest on his shoulders, and he will be given name. None of the child in a stable stories in the winter time from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John until the New Testament was produced and before Christians refer to Yeshua as Christ because they believe he was the prophesied Messiah in the Old Testament. The original name was a title. As it has been noted until He, Yeshua presented himself in the Temple and announced "I am the One!" They were still looking and the Romans became aware of religious disturbance within the Jewish community.

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Q: Is the Messiah mentioned in the Old Testament?
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The Hebrew translation is Yeshua, the Aramaic translation is Jesus. You seem to be interested in the Greek translation. Well, Jesus our Messiah's name, is mentioned in Matthew 1. Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, however our Messiah is also mentioned many times in the Old Testament, though not by name.

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