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Yes, in translation. However, there are some important differences. One difference is that the Jewish Bible (the Tanakh) is only in the original Hebrew. Any translation, whether done by Jews or Gentiles, is, at best, no more than an indication of what the Tanakh is saying. The translations leave out all or most of the Hebrew Bible's accompanying oral tradition, its traditional musical chant (cantillation, which provides punctuation and emotion), and the fact that many verses teach us a number of things.

Another difference is that the Christian Old Testament may contain a few books that are not in the Tanakh (such as the books of Judith and Sirach [and others] which are in the Catholic O.T.).

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The answer to that is no. The Torah is made up of 5 books, in English they are called: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

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The first five books of the Old Testament are a translation of the Torah.

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The first five books of the 'old testament' ... Genesis through Deuteronomy ...

are a translation of the Torah.

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Q: Are all the books in the old testament included in the Torah?
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How many Old Testament books are in the Torah?

The Torah contains the five books of Moses all of which are part of the Christian Old Testament.

Why are the books of the Torah also in the Old Testament of the Bible?

Not only are the books of the Torah found in the Christian Old Testament, all of the books of the Tanach (Jewish Bible) are found in the Old Testament because the Christian Church incorporated the Tanach into its religion. However, the Christian Old Testament was greatly modified to support the teachings of the Church.

What is the meaning of tanakh?

The word Tanakh is an acronym or contraction of three words: Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim. Torah refers to the 5 books of Moses, Genesis through Deuteronomy. Neviim means prophets, and refers to books like Isaiah and Hosea. Ketuvim means writings, and refers to books like Ruth and Job. All of the books of the Hebrew Bible, what Protestants call the Old Testament, are included in the Tanakh.

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There is more or less agreement about the main books of the Old Testament starting from Genesis and ending with Malachi.However, the Catholic Bible also includes Apocrypha books not included in the Protestant Bible. These Apocrypha books were not included in the earlier canonical Jewish Bible.The Catholic Old Testament includes Macabees I and II which are not in most Protestant bibles.

Does the Bible have all the scriptures?

AnswerThe Bible does have all the books now recognised as Christian scripture, but not all the books that could have been recognised as scripture. Books such as the Didache, the Shepherd of Hermas and numerous gospels are not included in the New Testament. The Protestant Old Testament includes the books that Judaism decided to include in its Hebrew Bible, and the Catholic Bible contains some additional books from among those that the Jews could have included but did not do so.

What are the first 5 books of the old testement called?

The first five books of the old testament are Genesis , Exodus, Leviticus , Numbers and Deuteronomy which are traditionally accepted as all being written by Moses..These first five books of the old testament are known as the Torah in Judaism or Pentateuch to Christians

What is the Torah how did the Israelites obain it?

A complete answer is too long and detailed to attempt to present it accurately here, but you can read it all for yourself, in the Torah itself. The Torah is quite accessible to you ... it comprises the first five books of what's widely known as the "Old Testament".

How may books are there in the new Testament?

The new testament has a total of 27 books in all.

What are two Jewish texts?

There aren't 2 holy books in Judaism. All of the books of the Hebrew bible (called "the old testament" by Christians) are the holy books of Judaism. There are 24 books. The Torah comprises the first 5 books.

Are there books not included in the Torah?

Yes, an enormous number. They include all of the following,and many others as well, too:-- "Joshua"-- "The Gospel of Luke"-- "Samuel"-- "Revelations"-- "The Little Prince"-- "Esther"-- "Silent Spring"-- "Lamentations"-- "Moby Dick"-- "Ecclesiastes"-- "Gone with the Wind"-- "Psalms"-- "Gulliver's Travels"Actually, it's much simpler to tell you the books that are included in the Torah.Their loose translations are the first five books of the "old testament", namedGenesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Any book that mayoccur to you, unless it's one of these five, is notincluded in the Torah.

Where in the bible does it mention the Torah?

You can find the Torah in synagogues, both in the form of the Torah scroll and in book form. You can also find book form Torahs in book stores - normally stores that specialise in Jewish books, places like Barnes and Noble, Chapters, etc, don't normally carry Torahs.

How many books are there in protestant bible?

There are 39 books in the old testament and 27 books in the New testament. 66 books in all.