

Is the Siberian tiger extinct

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Q: Is the Siberian tiger extinct
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Is the Amur tiger still extinct?

Extinct is forever. However, the Amur tiger (also known as the Siberian tiger) is not extinct.

Which animal is similar to the Siberian tiger?

The extinct Caspian tiger was almost geneticly identical to the Siberian.

Why is it important to try to save the Siberian tiger from becoming extinct?

Because the Siberian Tiger is the largest tiger in the world, it is also the rarest tiger in the world.

What chance is there that a Siberian tiger will become extinct?

there are about 501 Siberian tigers. Indeed the South China tiger may have become extinct in the last few years - a The chances for each Siberian tiger to be a white tiger is one out of 10000. Female tigers will carry their babies for 3 to 3 1/2 months

What sort of animals are being extinct?

animals that are going extinct are the platypus and also the Dhole. not to forget the Siberian tiger

When did Siberian tiger become extinct?

Siberian tigers are not extinct yet, although there may be a few left in very remote regions, but most are found in zoos.

What other kinds of tigers are there?

There are many species of tigers world over. * The Royal Bengal Tiger * Siberian Tiger * Malayan Tiger * Indochinese Tiger * Sumatran Tiger * Siberian Tiger * South China Tiger There are a few extinct species too. * Balinese Tiger * Javan Tiger

What are the nine subspecies of modern tigers?

Bengal tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris)Indochinese tiger (Panthera Tigris corbetti)Chinese tiger (Panthera Tigris amoyensis)Siberian tiger (Panthera Tigris altaica)Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris sumatrae)Malayan tiger (Panthera Tigris malayensis)Caspian Tiger (Extinct)Javan Tiger (Extinct)Balinese Tiger (Extinct)

How many types of tigers are in the world and what are there names?

There's 8 species of Tigers but 3 have gone extinct. The species are: Still Alive: Sumatran Tiger Bengal Tiger Indochinese Tiger South China Tiger Amur (Siberian) Tiger Extinct: Caspian Tiger Bali Tiger Javan Tiger

Why did The Caspian Tiger recently extinct?

Mainly by persecution by man. But is it really extinct? Recent evidence shows it may be a race of the Siberian tiger, as nearly all genetic codes of the two are identical.

Who are the closest animal to the Siberian tiger?

Other tiger subspecies, of which five others are living today. However, the extinct Caspian tiger, recent evidence shows, was very closely related to the Siberian, and may have been an extant race of that subspecies.

What types of tiger are there?

Good question There are heaps of different tiger species such as, the white tiger, Bengal tiger (the most dangerous species of tiger), Siberian tiger, Indochinese tiger, Sumatran tiger, Caspian tiger, Bali tiger, South China tiger and the Javan tiger. Hope this answered you question (: There is one tiger species, but six living subspecies. Bengal, Siberian, Malayan, Indo Chinese, Sumatran, South China. Extinct subspecies are the Caspian, Javan, and Bali.