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To North Koreans kinda but the Koreans can't be trusted with what Kim Jomg Il has done to his people.(Kim Jong Il is basically the owner of North Korea.)

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Q: Is the USSR the trustee of North Korea?
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Who supported North Korea and also known as USSR?


Who Helped North Korea become a communist government?

China and the USSR

What major nations were involved in the Korean War?

North Korea, South Korea, United States, and the USSR

What were the countries involved in the Korean war and when and why did they get involved?

South Korea, US vs North Korea, USSR, China

When did North Korea become a country?

because ussr forced north korea to be communist by army

Who were enemies in the Korean War?

North Korea was supported by the USSR and China and was opposed by the United Nations Forces including South Korea.

AProvide an example of a proxy war during the Cold War era List the major parties involved in your chosen conflict?

USSR/Red China supplying both NORTH Korea & NORTH Vietnam during both of those wars. Communists: USSR/Red China/North Korea/North Vietnam.

What was the result of Soviet Union helping North Korea?

Result: the USSR got to test out their new equipment. Without Soviet supplies, North Korea would've had no tanks, artillery, jets, fuel, or ammo. Without the USSR, there would have been no Korean War.

Who had control of Korea before it was split?

After Korea became independent after Japan in 1945, Korea didn't have unified government. US military controlled South and USSR controlled North.

Who annexed Korea?

Japan annexed Korea and had control of it until it lost WWII and the Allied Powers USSR occupied the North and USA occupied the south.

What were the causes of the Korea war?

Simple answer. USSR and Kim Ilsung (the first chairman of the people of North Korea) Korea was divided into North/South Korea after WWII. North under control of the USSR, and the South aided by the US. The USSR wasn't happy having the US having a foothold in far east Asia. Remember, China just turned communist, and Japan was an enemy of the US, and USSR occupies the cold areas is northeast Asia. Kim Ilsung saw this as an opportunity to become REALLY powerful. He got the USSR to aid him in a plan to take over the south and re-unite Korea. He also was successful in convincing the USSR that he was going to be stooge for them. The USSR was so convinced they gave him whatever he asked for. The Korean War was Kim Ilsung's attempt to Unify the two Koreas, the way the gods had meant it to be. South Korea was supposed to be a pushover anyways. The south had flatter land and was somewhat warmer so it was populated by farmers and their lands. The north had the factories, minerals, and coal. Somehow, the US, UN and south Koreans stopped the invasion. When McArthur rushed north, the Chinese who bordered north Korea, got rather upset, and after massacre after massacre, we ended up with pretty much the original dividing line between North and South Korea.

When was North Korea run by the USSR?

After World War II and the Japanese defeat, the Japanese occupation left Korea. USA and the USSR split up Korea to be managed by the two super powers, the USSR in the north and USA in the south, to be later unified in a single election. However, as relations between the two grew worse with the progression of the Cold War, the 38th parallel division became more and more permanent. Eventually, Communist and Moscow-trained Kim Il-Sung became leader for the Democratic's People of Republic of Korea and the USSR troops departed.