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No its not dedicated to anyone

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Q: Is the White House dedicated to anyone?
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Does anyone haunt the White House?

President Abraham Lincoln is rumored to haunt the White House.

Is anyone buried in the white house lawn?

Not that anyone has mentioned or documented it.

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When was the White House dedicated?

Though there is no indication of a dedication date, the White House was first occupied by John Adams on November 1, 1800.

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How many playrooms in the White House?

The exact number of playrooms in the White House is not publicly disclosed. However, it is known that the White House has spaces dedicated to recreation and play for the children of the first family. These areas may include a playroom or multiple playrooms, as well as outdoor spaces such as the White House grounds and gardens.

What is the only room in the White House dedicated to a single president?

The Lincoln Bedroom. The Roosevelt Room is named for bothe FDR & Teddy Roosevelt.

Does anyone have any ideas how to decorate for twins , when one is a boy and the other is a girl ?

You can decorate by splitting the house into two parts. one half of the house can be dedicated to the boy and the other can be for the girl. This way each child gets a party.

Has anyone ever prank called the White House?

yes, i have a few years back. all that happened was a clerk answered and said "desk of the white house." so then i just said "sorry wrong number!"

When was the Russian White House constructed?

why was the white house constructed why was the white house constructed why was the white house constucted when was the white house constucted

Where do the members of executive branch work?

At the White House At the White House