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Q: Is the action of stomach acid on protein molecules catabolic?
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Does the small intestine absorb water and alcohol and initiate protein breakdown?

The breakdown of protein initiates in stomach by the action of the stomach acid.

How the absorbance data correlates to the initial protein concentration in ug ml?

The absorbance data correlates to the initial protein concentration in ug ml in one way. It breaks down protein in the stomach by the action of the stomach acid.

Why will a decrease in pH of the stomach affect protein digestion?

Decrease in pH of the stomach will distort the active site of the enzyme pepsin, which affects its action.

What is the action of pancreatic trypsin on protein?

The digestive enzyme trypsin breaks down proteins found in the stomach.

What do liver isoenzymes do?

They have a catabolic action on substances, breaking them down into metabolites

If every action has an equal opposite reaction then is digestion of food in the stomach an action or reaction?

Every action has an equal opposite reaction unless acted upon by another contributing element to the equation. The stomach contributes caustic acid called bile to break down protein compounds. I think this process is an action that has a reaction.

How is action of PTYALIN stopped in stomach?

Ptyalin is an enzyme, which means that it is made up of proteins. When a protein enters the stomach, it is denatured by HCL, which is a kind of acid. This results in the Ptyalin no longer being effective.

Is amylase performing a catabolic or anabolic reaction?

Amylase performs a catabolic reaction. Catabolic reactions are involved in the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing energy in the process. In the case of amylase, it specifically catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch (a complex carbohydrate) into simpler sugars such as maltose and glucose. This process involves the enzymatic cleavage of the glycosidic bonds in starch, resulting in the release of energy and the production of smaller, more easily metabolized molecules. Therefore, amylase's action is catabolic because it breaks down a complex substrate into simpler components.

Will amylase break down glycogen into glucose?

Yes, amylase can break down glycogen.

Can cancer patient use barium sulphate suspension?

Is the action of the enzyme illustrated in the video is anabolic or catabolic please checked

What is the name of enzymes that control the activities of other proteins by phosphorylating them?

Phosphorylation of molecules, particularly enzymes and functional proteins within a cell, is a critical signaling mechanism that is essential to proper function. Phosphorylation of target amino acids on these proteins is carried out be the action of kinases.