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Q: Is the affects from raw opium stronger then the affects of heroin?
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Are the affects from raw opium stronger than the affects of heroin?

Not at all. Raw opium contains a mixture of several alkaloids, the most powerful of which is morphine. While morphine is a very powerful drug, it has a difficult time passing through the blood-brain-barrier, and therefore is not as powerful as diacetylmorphine (heroin) which quickly passes into the brain for immediate and powerful effects.

Is opium black in colour?

No. Raw opium is a yellowish, amber color (see link below). Once converted into heroin it's white. There is a form of heroin called black tar opium and it is black

When was Raw Opium created?

Raw Opium was created in 2011.

What is the duration of Raw Opium?

The duration of Raw Opium is 1.4 hours.

How and where is heroin made?

Heroin is made from morphine, which is extracted from the opium poppy plant. The process involves several steps, which typically occur in clandestine laboratories. Opium poppy cultivation and heroin production are primarily concentrated in Afghanistan and to a lesser extent, in Southeast Asia and South America. Illegal drug cartels and criminal networks control the production and distribution networks of heroin.

Is the Opium Poppy endangered?

Papaver somniferum is hardly endangered! The world's pharmaceutical industry depends on the raw opium from this plant for manufacturing the plethora of narcotic drugs widely available throughout the world. And I suppose a quick survey of Afghanistan will show you that the plant is thriving in this and other parts of the world that harvest opium for illicit conversion into heroin. So the short answer is No, "Opium Poppy" (Papaver Somniferum) is not endangered what-so-ever in the least.

How is opium produced?

Juices from the seed pod of the opium poppy. The seed pods are scored with a knife, and weep sap that dries. The sap is raw opium.

Where can you get opium?

Well, Opium is used to make marijuana. It originated from United Statess!!!!!!! Its only grown in United States, and only sold in United States No. Opium comes from poppies, usually the opium poppy, Papaver somniferium, from the Middle East, Mexico, Asia, etc. Marijuana comes from Cannabis sativa, which is also grown in many countries. Both opium and marijuana have been in use for centuries, and both were around being bought and sold long before the US was ever thought of.

How do they make morphine?

Although morphine can be synthesized by an organic chemist, its is far cheaper and economical to retrieve morphine from opium. Opium comes from a type of flowering plant that contains several chemicals that are medically useful, morphine is one such chemical. There are various processes for isolating morphine from opium/poppy straw, but suffice to say, organic chemistry techniques are involved.

Who is most likely to use opium?

Native Americans and Orientals, because it is part of their culture upbringing and also used in spiritual/religious ceremonies. Opium (as derived from the poppy flowering plant) is native to the Old World, not the New World. Native Americans (and other indigenous populations of the Western Hemisphere) do NOT have a history of opium use, and do NOT use it in traditional ceremonies. The above answer probably confuses it with peyote or other hallucinogenic flowering plants native to the Americas. Presuming the question refers specifically to raw opium (verses refined opium; processed opium goes by the name heroin). Historically, opium was a pain relief agent and recreational drug, both in China and later throughout Europe and North America. Today, the most likely users of opium are either those who have a cultural connection to opium use (primarily asians of ethnic chinese descent, certain sub-continental Indian groups, and Afghanis ), or who have a severe pain issue and are unable to gain access to (or afford) other painkillers.

Can you eat mustard greens raw?

Yes, you can. They have a strong peppery flavor and will taste even stronger when raw.

How does one extract the opium resign and turn into what you can smoke?

Opium is produced by scoring the poppy pods which causes the latex to ooze out and then solidify. This raw opium is converted to smoking opium by dissolving it in hot water and filtering it to remove plant material and other insoluble impurities. The water and opium mixture is then heated over a low flame to evaporate the water. Once it resembles a sticky paste it is dried in the sun.