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no it is not.

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Q: Is the bamboo forest even a biome?
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Forest biome seen in china?

uh...does a bamboo forest count?

How is the Panda bears biome is like?

The panda bears biome is the Bamboo Forest because its main food is bamboo leaves and what other place is good to get bamboo leaves than the bamboo forest! The Bamboo Forest is home to other animals like the Tucan it has tall trees and high grasses!!

What ecosytem or biome is the Black Forest?

i know the black forest is a forest biome even though it is elevated, but i don't know what ecosystem it is.

What is the climate of the biome temperate forest?

a temperate biome is a forest

When the biome shed there leaves which biome is this?

Forest, to be excact Coniferious Forest

What biome is a frog in?

A tree frogs biome is the rain forest

What is Tokyo's biome?

Subarctic Tundra Biome, Alpine Tundra Biome, and the Coastal Desert Biome. YAYA

What biome was the middle colonies in?

forest biome and a mountain biome

What is the definition of forest biome?

Forest biome is from a continuous canopy over the ground.

Is the taiga biome the same as the boreal forest biome?

yes. the names are different, but it is still the same type of forest biome.

Deciduous biome terms assciated with biome?

Temperate Forest Biome

What are the biomes of Illinois?

Freshwater Biome , The Forest Biome, and The Grassland Biome.