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In Lord of the Flies "the beast" is the primative instincts and urges that lie dormant inside all of us but which can re-emerge if the circumstances call for it. The basic instincts for survival and protection can easily turn into savagery and violence.

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Q: Is the beast a symbol for animals?
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What is another word for beast?

The plural of beast is beasts.

In the story Lord of the Flies is there really a beast?

In Lord of the Flies there is technically no physcial beast. "The Beast" is a symbol for something greater i.e our inner savergery. Golding uses the beast as only a symbol which the boys seem to reconize even more with their desent into savergery

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beast a violent animals,bt their only fear is wht they are a beast.

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Animals in the book of revelation?

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What are animals whose names end with the letters st?

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What cartoon that the characters transform into animals in their body?

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Is an elephant a beast?

Generally speaking, "beast" is simply another word for "animal" with four legs. It can be a vertebrate or an invertebrate. All animals are beasts. So, yes, an elephant is a beast.