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Q: Is the best definition of half-life for a radioactive substance A. Half of the amount of time required for all of the radioactive atoms to decay. B. The amount of time required for half of the rad?
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What is definition of half life?

The time required for half of the atoms in a radioactive substance to disintegrate.

How does the length of the half-life of the element correspond to the radioactivity of the element?

The length of time required for half of a sample of radioactive material to decay

Half of the total amount of time it takes for all of a radioactive substance to decay is called the halflife of the substance?


Is uranium bad for humans?

uranium is a radioactive substance which can cause mutations in cell while potassium is non radioactive. in fact it is required in our body for transmission of nerve

What is a half life earth science?

The primary source of radioactivity in the human body is Carbon-14. However the level of Carbon-14 remains constant in the body as the human body is in equilibrium with the atmosphere as long as the body is alive. Therefor there is no halflife until the body dies; then it matches the halflife of Carbon-14.

What is the definition of specific heat capacity?

The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of a substance by 1°C.

Why is uranium bad for humans and potassium not?

uranium is a radioactive substance which can cause mutations in cell while potassium is non-radioactive. in fact it is required in our body for transmission of nerve impulse and osmoregulation. ----------- Potassium-40 is also radioactive ! But uranium is also a toxic element and as a radioactive element is more dangerous that potassium (alpha particle emitter, gamma irradiation, radioactive descendents as radon).

What is the halflife of an M16?

Of course, "halflife" is not the correct term to use in this context, so I am supposing that you are asking how long as in "how many years of use" or "how many rounds fired" can you expect an M16 to function. This is also called "service life". The answer depends entirely on how the machine is treated. If it is properly cleaned and has minor parts replaced as they wear and break, the rifle will last for many years and/or many tens of thousands of rounds. You can research the endurance testing that the US Army has employed to determine the tolerance to hard use. "Halflife" refers to radioactive material and is the amount of time required for half of the material to decay.

What does the half life of a radioisotope correspond to?

The length of time required for half of a sample of radioactive material to decay

If a certain radioactive substance has a half life of one year how many atoms of the substance remain after 5 years if there are initially 5000 such atoms?

Half life refers to the time required for the change (decay) of a radioactive nucleus to a lighter, possibly more stable, nucleus.Starting with 5,000 radioactive atoms, at the end of first year, half would have decayed leaving 2,500. Following the same pattern, the end of the second year would see only 1,250. By the end of year 5, there would be just 156 radioactive atoms.

Is the percentage of radioactive atoms that decay during one half-life always the same?

No time required for completion of first half life is not same as 2nd one.Even it has been found that time required for 99.9% completion is almost 10 times of half life period.

What is the definition for latent heat of melting?

The amount of heat released / absorbed from a substance at constant temperature as you change state from liquid->solid / solid->liquid.