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Q: Is the best specimen to test for levels of iron in the blood?
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How are iron levels in the body measured?

Iron levels in the body are measured by both hemoglobin and serum ferritin blood tests.

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Why do you need to eat foods with iron in it?

Iron is vital because is used in the production of haemoglobin (blood). Low iron levels equals low bloor levels. Iron is usually suggested for women because they lose blood during their period.

What can cause high iron blood levels in a person?

One of the most common causes for high iron in the blood is a genetic condition called Hemachromatosis. Taking too many iron supplements can also be a common cause of high blood levels.

How can you lower your ferratin levels?

The best way to do that is by giving blood. (Ferratin is an excess of iron stored in the liver, giving blood requires some of the ferratin stores to be used up to replace the blood that has been lost).

Can iron pills help you get pregnant?

No they just help your blood levels e.g if your a emic

How do you test iron levels?

with a blood test called a CBC "Complete Blood Count". It also measures a number of other things in the blood.

What is iron overload protein?

A side effect of frequent blood transfusions in which the body accumulates abnormally high levels of iron

How can iron levels be corrected?

If your iron levels are too low, then eat foods that contain iron and take iron supplements. If you cannot correct low iron by diet alone, you should see a doctor. You certainly want to see a doctor if your low iron levels are accompanied by dark urine or black and tarry fecal matter. Those symptoms could indicate internal bleeding which could be caused by ulcers, internal injuries, or cancer, among other serious things. If your iron levels are too high, then stop any iron supplements and remove some foods with high levels of iron from your diet. If you have a disease like hemochromatosis that causes you to have excessive iron levels, then chelating drugs, frequent blood donations, or phlebotomy (bloodletting) may be required. Your doctor should tell you what to do in that case. Women of childbearing age rarely have excessive iron levels unless they overdose on supplements, since menstruation removes blood from their systems.

What is the significance of iron to health?

Iron is an essential trace element; it is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and certain enzymes. At the other extreme, high levels of iron can be poisonous.

How can you increase your blood iron levels?

The most bioavailable form of iron is from meat, so if you need to increase your blood iron levels, and you are not vegetarian, eat meat. If you are vegetarian, than you can eat iron pills and a lot of green vegetables like spinage and broccoli along with Vitamin C. The vitamin C, when given with plant forms of iron, will help it to absorb better, though the form of iron in plants is still not very absorbable.

What vitamin deficiencies can cause fatigue?

Iron is not a vitamin, but a mineral. If a person has low iron levels in the blood, it may cause fatigue and other symptoms, especially in women.