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Q: Is the bicep brachii a prime moving muscle?
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Related questions

What muscles are used for elbow flexion?

The Main muscles used when you do elbow curls are the bicep muscles.

Prime mover for shoulder flexion?

Prime mover is the bicep and the antagonist is the tricep.

When the biceps brachii acts as the prime mover what muscle assists as synergist?

triceps brachii

When the biceps brachii acts as the prime mover what muscle assists as a synergist?

triceps brachii

What muscle of the arm that is the prime mover of forearm extension?

triceps brachii

Term for the triceps brachii during elbow flexion?

Triceps brachiiElbow flexion is due to the contraction of the biceps brachii, the prime mover. The triceps brachii extends as the biceps brachii contracts and therefore is the antagonist muscle.

Which is the main muscle that flexes the forearm?

The biceps brachii is the prime flexor of the arm.

What is a spurt?

A spurt muscle is one that has an attachment, called the insertion, close to a joint. This allows them to be the main movers, usually referred to as prime movers. An example of a spurt muscle is the biceps in your upper arm, also called the bicep brachii.

What muscle is used to extend the forearm?

Triceps Brachii - it is the only muscle fleshing out the posterior humerus; its three heads arise from the shoulder girdle and proximal humerus, and it inserts into the olecranon process of the ulna. It is a powerful prime mover of elbow extension.triceps brachii

What are the synergistic muscles of the thigh?

Biceps and brachioradialis. The bicep is the prime mover in elbow joint movement and the brachioradialis acts as a synergistic muscle to stabilize the joint, thus aiding in the motion.

What is the function of biceps brachii?

The function of the biceps brachii is to flex your arm at the elbow. However, even though that is the most visible muscle, the brachialis muscle is considered the prime mover in flexing at the elbow.

What muscles are used in elbow flexion?

Prime movers are:biceps brachiibrachialisbrachioradialisSynergists are:pronator teresflexor carpi radialisflexor carpi ulnarisflexor digitorum superficialispalmaris longus