Behind the glove box.
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When you beat the blower motor, you are probably shaking the blower resister. The resister is what controls the blower speeds and is probably bad or loose.
location of resister for blower motor on 1997 s 10 blazer
Replace the blower motor also.
Remove the HVAC rear module auxiliary assembly.Disconnect the electrical connectors from the rear blower resister auxiliary.Remove the air outlet duct from the rear blower motor controller auxiliary.Remove the screws from the blower motor rear resister auxiliary.Remove the rear blower motor resister auxiliary.Replace the resister and install new thermal gasket.................
Blower motor resisters are generally mounted nearby the blower motor for cooling purposes.
If you have checked the blower motor and it does function when power is applied then I would suspect the Blower Motor Resistor Pack is defective. It is also possible the blower motor speed control is bad, but highly unlikely.
The resister for the 2001 prism blower motor drops voltage to the blower motor. This is how the blower motor runs at a lower speed.
Well, In the 2002, the blower motor resister is behind the glove copartment. You might want to check there.
The heater blower resister is under the dash on the passenger side. It is inserted into the side of the blower motor case.