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no. It all depend what part of your cycle you are in.

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Q: Is the chance of getting pregnant by a familiar partner higher than un unfamiliar one?
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How do you get pregnant with out a guy with AIDS?

You don't. There may be some way to get pregnant with a partner that has aids without you getting it but it would definitely have to happen in a laboratory.

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Alot of people have a hard time getting pregnant... try some fertility drugs or just have sex with your partner as much as possible.

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NO... That's not how you get pregnant.

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Is there a chance you could be Pregnant if your partner pulls it out without a condom?

yes there is a chance that you can become pregnant from you partner pulling out without a condom

If you take the pill do you need to use protection?

the pill will stop you from getting pregnant but it wont stop you from getting a sexual disease - if you trust your partner then you dont need to use condoms while you are on the pill

Which is the Safteyperiod for not getting pregnant?

There is NO safety period for not getting pregnant. A human female can and does ovulate on errant days of the month, and can become pregnant on any day in her cycle. It used to be called "Vatican Roulette"--a woman and her husband/partner would try to guess when that woman might get pregnant and thus abstain from intercourse when she might become pregnant, or guess when she might GET pregnant, if a child is what the couple want. Obviously, it did not always work.

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Pre-cum can also contain sperm hence making you pregnant. The safest way to avoid getting pregnant is to ALWAYS use a condom.

If your partner has a diabetes can you still get pregnant?


Could you be pregnant if your partner didn't have any experience in sex?

If you have had sex then yes you could be pregnant, regardless of whether your partner had had any experience prior to you.