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Q: Is the Chinese stock market closed to non-Chinese people?
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Why are Chinese People Chinese?

Chinese people are Chinese because they have lived and derived from China. That is similar to saying "Why are American people American?".

What were the social problems of the 1930's?

Many people lost their jobs, banks where closed or bust, many people lost their money on the stock market crash, people where homeless, to name but a few of the problems from that time.

Why do Chinese people have Chinese children?

Because Chinese people are from China and that means that they will obviously have Chinese children.

What happened to banks during the stock market crash?

They folded, closed, and crashed. People lost millions of dollars and were left without money.

How are Chinese people Asian?

Chinese refer to people from China or have ancestors whom originate from China. Asians are people who are from Asia. While Chinese are asians, asians are not necessarily Chinese.

Are hawaiians Chinese?

No, Hawaiians are not Chinese. People from the Hawaiian Islands are called Hawaiians while people from China are Chinese. There might be people who live in Hawaii who are Chinese though.

What Chinese called Chinese?

Chinese people refer to themselves as "中国人" (Zhōngguó rén), which translates to "people of China" or "Chinese people" in English.

What are people who life in China called?

Chinese. If you were born in China, you are Chinese

What did poor Chinese people eat?

even poorer chinese people

What is the Chinese word for people?

People in chinese is "人" (the pinyin for that is "ren")

What helped the Chinese people unify the Chinese people?

Scarborough Shoal

What does rice mean to the Chinese people?

well the chinese people don't