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Q: Is the colon a part of the Alimental canal?
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What is large part of human elementary canal?

The Colon

The descending colon belongs to what part of the digestive system?

Alimentary canal

Which is a part of the alimentary canal?

-- esophagus -- stomach -- duodenum -- small intestine -- large intestine -- colon

What are the organs of the gastrointestinal?

Stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, pelvic colon, rectum and anal canal. To these secretions from liver and pancreas, enter through second part of duodenum.

Name the two cities on the end of the panama canal?

Balboa and Colon are two cities in Panama besides Panama City

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- The subdivisions of the large intestine?

Subdivisions of large intestineCaecum (5-8 cm lying between the small intestine and ascending portion of colon)Appendix (blind ending finger like projection at the end of caecum)Ascending portion of colon (which goes up the right side of body to the level of liver)Transverse portion of colon (lying horizontally below the liver and stomach)Descending portion of colon (passes down to the left side of body)Sigmoid part of colon (slightly bent and enters the rectum)Rectum (21-23 cm long opens into anal canal)Anal canal (2.5 cm long)

What are the two MajorRegions of large intestine?

In order as follows: Cecum, Ascending colon, Transverse colon, Descending colon, and sigmoid colon, followed by the rectum, anal canal and the anus.

What is the order of the large intestine beginning with it's origin?

cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon,rectum colon, anal canal

Is the large intestine part of an organ system?

The large insestine proper is composed of the (1) cecum, (2) appendix, (3) colon, (4) rectum, and (5) anal canal. The colon proper is composed of (1) ascending colon, (2) transverse colon, (3) descending colon, and (4) sigmoid colon. It also has two flextures or bends; the right colic flexure (between the ascending colon and transverse colon) and the left colic flexure (between the transverse colon and the descending colon). drazx is the original author of this answer. by sanket gupta kv No 1 ang