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Q: Is the conduction through the autonomic efferent chain is faster than conduction in the somatic motor system?
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Is Conduction through the autonomic efferent chain is faster than conduction in the somatic motor system?


Is the corneal reflex a somatic reflex or an autonomic reflex?

This particular reflex is autonomic as the affected muscle, constrictor pupillae muscle, is a smooth muscle and not under conscious control. Typically if you can consciously contract the muscle, any reflex associated with that muscle is somatic in nature.

How does the somatic nervous system differ from the autonomic nervous system?

The somatic nervous system controls the voluntary movement of skeletal muscles, such as when you move your arm. The autonomic nervous systems controls the involuntary actions of internal organs and glands. The beating of your heart is controlled by this system. The autonomic nervous system is further broken up into two parts: the sympathetic, which controls arousal (think fight-or-flight), and the parasympathetic, which controls calming (think rest and digest).

What are examples of somatic and automatic systems?

somatic is voluntary autonomic is involuntary.

Reflexes are not carried to the brain?

A reflex arc does not pass through the brain. The somatic reflex arc and autonomic reflex arc are two types.

What serves as the effector for micturition reflex arc?

An efferent somatic (pudendal nerve) output to the external sphincter which relaxes the external sphincter and causes the urine to flow through the urethra is the effector part of the reflex arc.

How is urine pushed from the body?

Urine is released from the urinary bladder, through the urethra to be expelled from the body. The process is under voluntary control, and involves coordination between the central, autonomic, and somatic nervous systems.

What is autonomic conditioning?

Autonomic conditioning refers to the process by which the autonomic nervous system learns to respond to environmental cues and triggers. Through repeated exposure to certain stimuli, this system can become conditioned to react in a particular way without conscious control. This process is often associated with learned behaviors and emotional responses.

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What type of energy transfer is the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity?

Because of molecular vibration the heat transferred through a solid is called CONDUCTION

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Somatic cells undergo mitosis.