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Q: Is the correct sequence of events Dred Scott decision Lincoln elected president first Southern state secedes Dred Scott decision first Southern state secedes Lincoln elected president Lincoln elec?
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Why did Lincoln decide not to send armed troops to Fort Sumter?

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President. Not one single southern ... seven southern states seceded1 from the union.

The upper southern states seceded when Lincoln?

The upper southern states seceded when Lincoln was elected president of the United States.

Why was Abraham Lincoln president of the north?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States. When some southern states decided to secede, they elected their own "president" Jefferson Davis. Lincoln remained President of the United States - all the United States - he just wasn't recognized as such by the southern states that seceded. He was not "President of the North".

What difficult decision did Lincoln face when he became president?

Freeing the slave

Was Lincoln the northern rebel?

No. Lincoln was the newly-elected President that the Southern states were rebelling against.

Who was elected president when the southern stated seceded?

Abraham Lincoln was the president-elect when the Southern states began to secede. Some of them seceded after he was inaugurated as President.

Who was the president in the cilvil war?

The Union (Northern) President was Abraham Lincoln. The Confederate (Southern) President was Jefferson Davis.

Who was the first southern president?

Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln's opponent.

Who was elected as president of the US when the southern states seceded?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was president when the first southern state succeded from the union?

Abraham Lincoln

What did seven southern states decide to do after Lincoln was elected president?


Who said I hope president Lincoln is not re-elected?

The southern states.